среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.

Apartment Therapy: 8 Ways to Think When Designing Small Spaces

Good feng shui space is happy space, so fill your rooms with the things you love.
Buy only furniture you cannot resist and everywhere, let there be a display of things that have meaning for you. Your living space should engage your senses. Remember, there can be beauty in imperfection, in things that have history, in symbols that make you think rich, and remind you of aspirations and reflect your personal idea of the good life. Living in high rise apartments is so much a part of modern life now that we need to come to terms with living in small spaces. We can be inspired by a new minimalist thinking, a new attitude towards furnishing that focus on the PEOPLE living in the space rather than on rules of design concepts. We can pare possessions down to essentials but also leave room for things that soothe our soul, touch our creative chord or arouse nostalgia and a memory of some grand moment we do not want to forget.

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